For the last few years I have been sketching people on the el everyday, going to work and coming home... on the Brown Line.
6 sketchbooks have been filled.
(btw, smartphones are a godsend for artists who want to draw the public. People are wired in with their headphones or have their eyes glued to a screen. They. Don’t. Move.)
For this project I took snapshots of many of the sketches (about 900 or so) and put them in a database (Airtable) I have culled them down to about 160 of the more interesting people.
What I want to do is to re-draw them on a long scroll of toned Stonehenge paper… like they are sitting in a very long el car. The toned paper is important because I want the white wires and earbuds to stand out and have them connect to each other. I’m starting studies on different colors of Stonehenge to figure out stuff before I order the very large roll of expensive paper. It would be more practical to do small groups of people on sheets of paper and attach them to a scroll, but that would take the fun out of it (she says… : )
Below is a screenshot of some of the groupings I was starting with. I will start a facebook album of pictures from the planning stage of this very long-term project so you can see what I am thinking about.
and we’ll see what happens!
so, I think after a bunch of studies that I will use the Stonehenge Fawn color (the bottom one) .... kind of a Goldilocks thing.... not too light, not too dark, just right. [see latest post, change in color!]